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中加班公开课——Mini Saga

作者:超级管理员 发表于:2013-04-26


1.jpg     又是一年人间四月天,郑州七中再次迎来了一场春季公开课比赛。作为北师高材生,平老师为了此次赛课,做了十足准备,选取了一个既有意义,又有趣的课题——Mini Saga。听课的多位资深英语教师对这节课赞不绝口:“仿佛在中国上了一节国外的英语课”。

    Mini saga指一篇由50个字组成的微型短文。主要应用于创意表达、娱乐以及教学。练习写这样的短文有利于激发个人的创造性、拓展人的思维、确定一篇文章的基本要素并强化写作规范。英国的每日电讯报(Daily Telegraph)也经常组织一些mini saga比赛。

    这节课结束后,学生们纷纷亮出自己写作的mini saga,其中不乏一些很有创意的作品,在此与大家分享。

    A girl bought a pair of sky blue shoes on eBay. But when she got her shoes, she found that the color was not sky blue, it was gray. She asked the clerk,"I want the sky blue one, but you gave me gray one." "But the sky here is gray" 

                                                                By Sheldon & John (邵帅、田珂铭)

    One day, a small cake went to his school. The road to school was very long. Cake did bot eat breakfast. Because his mother was not at home. on the road, he was very hungry. But he did not know what he should eat. He ate himself on the road.

                                                                     By Paul & Max(平坦、白嗣同)

    Last week, my carfe cat charcot-a lovely and fat cat played a bedtime song for me by guitar. It sat on a pillow and began to pluck strings carefully and slowly by its paws. I caressed its head mildly and turned off the lights. Then we fell asleep together.

                                                                By Linda & Jerry(郭寒会、王子昊)


I found a computer which can chat with me. I told it about girls, love, and poems. I asked it to write a love poem to my girlfriend, Pat. After reading the poem, Pat decided to marry me. And I told our engagement to the computer, it broke down中加班公开课鈥斺擬ini <wbr>Saga.

                                                                                 By Suzy(吕紫薇)

Long long ago, a prince passed through a forest and beat a dragon. He came to a castle and ascended to the top of it. He found a princess who were lying on the bed. He kissed the princess, and she woke up; thereupon, they lived in the castle happily.

                                                                               By Audrey(付玉麒)

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